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Episode 25 Easee Podcast #18 – Interview with Effie Vraka – How to make performance your new comfort zone


“It’s okay to fail. If you try crazy ideas, some of them will fail. It’s inevitable. But some of them are gonna create these innovative solutions that are going to change the world”


Welcome to the newest episode of the Easee Podcast, featuring our Commercial Excellence Group leader, Effie Vraka, based in the UK.


Would you like to hear more about how to push (inspire) the people you care about – at work, and your own children too – just the right amount to help increase their courage, empowerment and robustness? 

Have you ever found it uncomfortable to give feedback and are wondering how you can up your courage?

Are you curious to understand how the “comfort zone” isn’t always comfortable?


And are you new to Easee, are you onboarding new Easeetonians or getting new Easeetonians into your team on a regular basis (perhaps that’s all of us) in that case – according to the interviewer – this episode is a need-to-hear for you.


“If something hasn’t happened yet, it’s probably because it’s not an easy problem to solve. We are here to solve the difficult problems. So we need the risk takers.”

Are you keen to soak up the wisdom of a real risk taker and learn how to become one yourself?

Tune in ❤

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Episode 24 Easee Podcast #17 – Interview with Christian Gorgeson from Easee UK


Performance, high standards, and the importance of small things

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Episode 23 Easee Podcast #16 – Self-organizing teams with Marcel Jeron


In this podcast we interview Marcel Jeron, the MD in Easee Germany.

We touch shortly upon his journey and experiences and we talk about a topic that he is really passionate about. Self-organizing teams and organisations.

Marcel strongly believes that we should allow people to figure things out for themselves.

As long as we give people a vision (direction), a mission and a why. People and teams can figure out how to get there.

This is what Easee is all about. We want to power people’s freedom and we want to empower people.

But this is not straight forward, so we dig a little bit deeper into the subject to learn more.

A great interview, with many interesting topics.


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Episode 22 People first – The cost of freedom


A short speech about freedom, empowerment and trust. What it is, what it isn’t and what the cost of having and keeping it.

We all want freedom, but it doesn’t come for free. Everyone needs to do their part in order to create it, maintain it and to keep it <3

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Episode 21 Chief Caretaker Summary – People first, money follows


People first, money follows.

Since we didn’t make time to make a new year’s speech this year, we decided to post our internal caretaker summary instead.

It explains our culture law #1, people first and the main reason why Easee managed to create amazing results in 2021 (1,4BNOK in turnover and 500MNOK in profit, before tax).

Despite entering the year suffering from cloudgate, a huge backlog in production and a component marked crisis like no one has ever seen or experienced before.

It also covers some very important points and reflections that we all can bring with us into the year of 2022.

We wish you all a happy new year!

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Episode 20 Easee Podcast #15 – Reflecting over 2021, Christmas traditions and people first


In this episode we are reflecting a little bit over the past year, Christmas traditions and what the intention of Christmas should be.

We touch into several topics, like;

People first -what is it? Is it all about fluffyness?

The power of vulnerability

The importance of feedback and how difficult it might be.

And we reveal some stuff that we will go into in 2022.

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Episode 19 Easee Podcast #14 – Drivkraft med Henrik Ingebrigtsen


Vi tar en prat med Henrik Ingebrigtsen rundt temaet drivkraft.

Hva legger han selv i begrepet drivkraft?

Hvordan håndterer han motgang?

Hvordan klarer han å ha mot til å være så genuin og ærlig?

Hva er hans tanker rundt sårbarhet?

Vi stiller han disse spørsmålene i tillegg til mange andre.

En podcast episode med mye kult og interessant innhold.

Gled deg!

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Episode 18 Easee Podcast #13 – Interview with Øystein Skiri


Øystein Skiri is a founder friendly investor and board member in Easee.

Øystein took a degree in Mechanical engineering at NTNU, but travelled to USA to explore the big world.

There he started a company called Boost Communications together with a friend, a journey filled with ups and downs.

After Boost he ended up as an investor, together with the Witzøe family (Salmar).

They are now investing in startups together and Øystein is in the lead.

In this podcast we get to hear about his background and his learnings as both an entrepreneur and an investor.

We touch upon his leadership philosophies and his learnings as a CEO.

We also get to learn what they look for when they invest in startups and also what startups should look for in an investor.

Tune in and enjoy.

Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit acast.com/privacy for more information.


Episode 17 Easee Podcast #12 – Q&A from Easeetonia


Jonas and Kjetil are answering amazing questions from the Easee family. A really enjoyable episode with laughter and deep conversations.

Culture Questions:

How do we keep the flat organization structure when its proven more hierarchy is needed when a company has >150 employees?


What can we do to make sure that new employees continue to fit the culture even if we get to 500+ people?


How much does it hurt to not be able to give high fives to everyone?(Corona)


In what way are you misunderstood the most?


Vision Questions:

How do we keep the lead if we challenge other companies to shape the future of electricity and business culture?


What is the biggest challenge Easee had to overcome to where we are today?


Do you see Easee’s future in Europe, or do you believe that growth will come from further markets?


How are you able to get all your coworkers to share your vision? And by that, feel ownership in Easee?



Technical Questions:

What has to be fixed before we can ship Equalizer P1’s?


Can we add a ‘boost with solar power’ button to the Easee App? Would be possible when an Equalizer is connected.


If you weren’t constraint by resources (headcount/time) how many years away is the vision of all the cool Easee Tech (Easee Fuse, Virtual powerplants etc.) to become reality?


How much have the technical part of Easee changed from your first idea till now?


General Questions

Will we manufacture outside Scandinavia one day to avoid transport?

Who came up with the name ”Easee”?


What event in your life has led to the most growth?

Can you explain your rational spiritualism?


I am so curious about you Kjetil, can you describe/outline your typical day?


To Jonas: If you had a magic stick, which are the ”top 3” things you would change in the world?


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Episode 16 A guide to life-changing conversations


We often postpone or never have the really difficult conversations in our lives. We choose to ignore them and we hope that things will magically take care of itself. However, it rarely do. This is why we have tried to make a step-by-step guide that we hope can make this process easier for people, as a step to make the world a little bit better.

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Episode 15 The summer of 2018


This is the story about the summer of 2018, some of the challenges we faced on our journey and my personal battle with fear.

The recipe: Great people, lots of love and honesty.



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Episode 14 Easee Podcast #11 – Winning mentality with Jakob Ingebrigtsen


A very inspiring episode and interview with Jakob Ingebrigtsen, one of the best runners in the world.

What does it take to become the best? Is there a secret recipe?

Tune in and find out

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Episode 13 Easee Podcast #10 – Leaders are servants


Leaders are servants – the most difficult thing as a leader is to accept the fact that you are there to serve your team. Your role is to make your team perform.

We talk about this and other key attributes that good leaders needs to have and practice. The importance of feedback, to delegate, staying calm under pressure and to focus on solutions instead of problems, to give trust and support and much more.

We hope you enjoy it.

Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit acast.com/privacy for more information.


Episode 12 New years speech 2020


by Kjetil Næsje

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Episode 11 Nyttårstalen 2020


Av Kjetil Næsje

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Episode 10 Easee Podcast #9 – Gjert Ingebrigtsen


I denne podcasten tar vi for oss viktigheten av tillit, samt av åpen og ærlig kommunikasjon.

Behovet for raske beslutninger når ting i fasen hvor ting er ustrukturert. Demokrati vs ”diktatur”.

Involvering av nære og kjære.

Ansvar og eierskap.

Hvordan sette mål og flytte grenser.

Team vs individuelt fokus.

+ mye, mye mer.

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Episode 9 Easee Podcast #8 – FAQ


Vi tar for oss de mest stilte spørsmålene fra sluttkunder, elektrikere og partnere.

  • Forskjellen på AC og DC lading
  • Prosjektering av Easee Home og Charge (større anlegg). Hva bør du tenke på før du installerer? Sikringsverdi, ladekapasitet, antall sikringer, laderoboter per sikring osv.
  • Hva er lastbalansering og fasebalansering og hvordan funker dette i praksis

Installasjonsvideoer (for mer info):



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Episode 8 Easee Podcast #7 – How to think and work with IP (tech, brand and design protection)


We talk about IP and how we think and work with brand, design and tech protection.

As a startup, what do you need to think about and why should you spend time and energy on patents?

In some cases it might be a lot smarter to focus on speed, rather than to spend too much time on protecting your technology.

We also give an insight in the patents that we have filed and why they are so important

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Episode 7 Easee Podcast #6 -Historien om sikringen og hvordan vi utfordrer det etablerte


Lær mer om:

-Historien og intensjonen til sikringen og hvordan den er bygget opp.

-Den nye tolkningen fra NEK, samt en forklaring av NEK400 og DSBs roller i Norge.

-Hvordan vi jobber med å gjøre verden til en bedre plass ved å hele tiden finne bedre løsninger, som krever mindre ressurser. Dette er ingen enkel oppgave og det krever at vi hele tiden jobber med å utfordre de etablerte måtene å gjøre ting på.

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Episode 6 Podcast #5 – Easee Culture Laws – Del 2


Podcast #5 tar for seg easee sine culture laws og hva som ligger bak disse. Disse er skrevet for å konkretisere hva som er viktig for easee og kulturen vi skal bygge.

  1. People comes first, money follows.  
  2. There is no f*cking hierarchy in Easee. Everything is role-based and everyone is the CEO of their own field. 
  3. We always strive to become the best version of ourselves, and the version of ourselves that we want to be. Not the version that everyone else wants us to be.
  4. Time is the most valuable resource, use it wisely. Sometimes you should say no, even if you really want to say yes. 
  5. Everyone in easee has the right to be seen and heard, and we love to share our success with others.
  6. We are an enabler and we always look for the win-win-win. «Greed is old school, sharing and caring is the new success formula»
  7. We give people infinite chances, as long as they take extreme ownership, learn and improve from f*ck ups. 
  8. We use our intuition and we are allowed to trust our gut when we make decisions. 
  9. Easee has no price. We know our value and we can’t be bought.
  10. We see and hire people for who they are and what they can become. Not for who they have been.
  11. In Easee, we always offer a solution to a «problem». 
  12. Easee is defining the new standard by challenging status quo, and we inspire everyone else to follow. ”Dare to be crazy!» 
  13. We have an infinite mindset. It is all about the journey, not the destination.
  14. Everyone in easee is irreplaceable. 

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Episode 5 Podcast #5 – Easee Culture Laws – Del 1


Podcast #5 tar for seg easee sine culture laws og hva som ligger bak disse. Disse er skrevet for å konkretisere hva som er viktig for easee og kulturen vi skal bygge.

  1. People comes first, money follows.  
  2. There is no f*cking hierarchy in Easee. Everything is role-based and everyone is the CEO of their own field. 
  3. We always strive to become the best version of ourselves, and the version of ourselves that we want to be. Not the version that everyone else wants us to be.
  4. Time is the most valuable resource, use it wisely. Sometimes you should say no, even if you really want to say yes. 
  5. Everyone in easee has the right to be seen and heard, and we love to share our success with others.
  6. We are an enabler and we always look for the win-win-win. «Greed is old school, sharing and caring is the new success formula»
  7. We give people infinite chances, as long as they take extreme ownership, learn and improve from f*ck ups. 
  8. We use our intuition and we are allowed to trust our gut when we make decisions. 
  9. Easee has no price. We know our value and we can’t be bought.
  10. We see and hire people for who they are and what they can become. Not for who they have been.
  11. In Easee, we always offer a solution to a «problem». 
  12. Easee is defining the new standard by challenging status quo, and we inspire everyone else to follow. ”Dare to be crazy!» 
  13. We have an infinite mindset. It is all about the journey, not the destination.
  14. Everyone in easee is irreplaceable. 

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Episode 4 Easee Podcast #4 – Outside of the comfort zone



Setting the new standard (PC vs Apple and Tesla vs everyone else)

How do we think around innovation and doing something new?

Most people just do what others do. New ideas are scary, because they can fail. 

When you are doing something new, you need to clearly know the rules and regulations and how you can avoid them. 

You need to find the best suppliers and suppliers that actually can do what you want them to do. 

You need to have a team that are willing to challenge the status quo and that are willing to do whatever it takes to win. 

You need to focus on the optimal customer experience, not the money. 

You need to make a product as simple as possible, not too advanced. 

Does it scale? 

You need to increase the size of your box and to think outside the box. This requires courage and discipline. 

Planning and thinking about things should be considered as necessary, not just the «doing» part. 

We need to focus on adding value. Not just doing something.

Our schooling system focus on memorizing things, not creating. This needs to change.

You can’t google «how to make the best EV charger»

People want to play it safe. We need to force our mind/brain to go outside the comfort zone. You need to move. 

When do you train your kids to make their own decisions? 

If someone is good in math, it doesn’t mean that they are a good person. They should also rate love and vulnerability.

The schooling system should focus on seeing people and on people’s strengths. 

Being good at sports or having a lot of money automatically gives the people the right to be assholes. 

You need to find your inner strength. 

The Easee way is fucking hard

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Episode 3 Podcast #3 – En død sau, å kjøre fort, skolesystemet og inspirasjonsbasert vs fryktbasert ledelse



-En død sau

-Status så langt og målene for i år (150 tonn med laderoboter). Vi nærmer oss 40 ansatte (50 totalt) og vi sysselsetter over 1000stk totalt sett. 

-Scale or die trying – Vi er villige til å dø for saken. 

-Det er skummelt å kjøre fort -Vi må jobbe med oss selv for å håndtere frykten. Noen ganger er veien jævlig smal og fokus og tillit er helt essensielt for å få det til. 

-Det er et evighetsspill og reglene for det vi holder på med eksisterer ikke, de må lages underveis. 

-Sett folkene først, så kommer pengene og resultatene. 

-Viktigheten av å ta langsiktige valg og å ha de riktige menneskene rundt deg.

-Ansettelse av de rette menneskene.

-Hvem har makten? Vi blir lært opp til å tåle narsissister, helt fra oppveksten vår. Viktigheten av å snu om på dette og praktisere tillit. 

-Vi må endre skolesystemet vårt. Fravær må være tillitsbasert. Vi må akseptere psykisk sykdom på lik linje med fysisk sykdom. Følelser er OK og vi må respektere ungene våre og lytte til hva de egentlig sier. 

-Alder er et tall. Vi må også måle verdier som kjærlighet, sårbarhet og empati, ikke bare se på hvor gode karakterer folk har i matte. Å være god i matte gjør deg ikke til en god person.

-Inspirasjonsbasert ledelse vs tradisjonell ledelse. Sjefer og folk som elsker makt flyter til toppen. En rollebasert organisasjon. Argumenter trumfer. De beste folkene og teamene elsker å komme frem til den beste løsningen. Faren med å kun lytte til de skråsikre og de med den høyeste stemmen. 

-Å fokusere på mindset og verdier kontra utdannelse

-Viktigheten av en god og tydelig rollebeskrivelse. Forvetningsavklaring. Hvem skal ta eierskap til hva? En god rollebeskrivelse kan være avgjørende for å få med seg de beste. 

-Penger gjør deg ikke til et bedre menneske og du tar ikke automatisk bedre avgjørelser bare fordi du har penger på konto. 

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Episode 2 Easee Podcast #2 – The easee way isn’t easy


Kjetil (CTO) and Jonas (CEO) talk about how we work in easee and most of the key factors that we focus on, on a daily and long-term basis.

They talk about the importance of the process, responsibility vs ownership, compromises, planning, control freakism and perfectionism, a strong culture, speedlearning, onboarding, hiring people and accepting the good and the bad.


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Episode 1 Easee Podcast #1 – Vår første podcast


Starten på fremtidens strømnett og bedrift. Sett folkene først, hold fokus og gjør ting skikkelig.

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Podcast – Teknisk sett Skal revolusjonere strømnettet


Jonas Helmikstøl og Kjetil Næsje besøker Teknisk Ukeblad sin podcast Teknisk sett for å snakke om hvordan de ser for seg at Easee skal revolusjonere strømnettet.

«Gründerne bak elbilladeren Easee har store ambisjoner. Den avanserte og svært brukervennlige laderen er en god start.»